Bing Marvel Movies Quiz

The Bing Marvel Movies Quiz is a quiz designed to test your knowledge of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The quiz consists of 10 questions, each with 4 possible answers. For each question, only one of the answers is correct. The quiz is designed for people who have seen all of the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you have not seen all of the movies, you may not be able to answer some of the questions correctly.

Bing Marvel Movies Quiz

What is Bing Marvel Movies Quiz?

The Bing Marvel Movies Quiz is a 20-question test that checks your knowledge of the Marvel cinematic universe. The questions start easy but get harder as you go. To play, just click on the start button and answer the questions as they appear. If you get stuck on a question, you can use the hint button for a little help. If you answer a question wrong, the quiz will tell you which Marvel movie the answer is from. Don’t worry, there are no penalties for getting questions wrong- just try to learn from your mistakes.

How to play the Bing Marvel Movies Quiz?

Step-by-step instructions on how to enter the contest:

  1. Visit the Bing homepage.
  2. Type “Marvel Movies quiz” in the search bar.
  3. Click on the “Take the Quiz” button.
  4. Answer all questions correctly.
  5. Enter your name and email address.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button.
Bing Marvel Movies Quiz

Bing Marvel Movies Quiz

1 / 5

5. Whose idea was the Avengers Movies from?

2 / 5

4. Who is Black Panther’s sister?

3 / 5

3. What is the Falcon’s real name?

4 / 5

2. In which fictional country is Black Panther set?

5 / 5

1. Which Avenger does Thor team up with in Thor: Ragnarok?

Your score is

The average score is 75%


How well did you do in the Bing Marvel Movies Quiz?

Take the quiz! How well did you do? We’re sure you got a lot of them right, but there might have been a few that you didn’t know. That’s okay though, we’re here to help. Check out our list of the best Marvel movies and see where you went wrong. If you need to brush up on your knowledge before taking the quiz again, now’s the time!

Questions Of Bing Marvel Movies Quiz

1. Which Avenger does Thor team up with in Thor: Ragnarok?

  • a. Hulk
  • b. Ironman
  • c. Hawkeye

Ans: Hulk

2. In which fictional country is Black Panther set?

  • a. Wakanda
  • b. Latveria
  • c. Genosha

Ans: Wakanda

3. What is the Falcon’s real name?

  • a. Sam Wilson
  • b. Elijah Bradley
  • c. Alexendra Pierce

Ans: Sam Wilson

4. Who is Black Panther’s sister?

  • a. Shuri
  • b. Nakia
  • c. Ramonda

Ans: Shuri

5. Whose idea was the Avengers Movies from?

  • a. Phil Coulson
  • b. Tony Stark
  • c. Nick Fury

Ans: Nick Fury

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